Our office hours are: Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 3:00 pm (except holidays)
360-354-7909 or jodi@watersystemservices.net
Payments and documents can be left in the payment drop box located immediately left of the front entrance door.
If we are expecting documents or payment arrangements from you please notify us after you have left them in the drop box.
Our office address is: 6912 Hannegan Road/#105, Lynden WA 98264
Website is under construction. Thank you.
Our water comes from three association wells located at the Guide Meridian pump house approximately 7 miles north of Bellingham. Our wells have an average depth of 27 ft. with a combined capacity of 130-200 gallons per minute. Our annual meeting is the third week in September. A notice will be mailed to all share holders in your September 1st bill with a confirmed date. Our meeting is usually held at the Laurel Grange Hall. To date, the itinerary has not been finalized. Other Board meetings are called as needed. Your questions and concerns are welcomed anytime. We would like to encourage each of you to be aware of water leaks on or around your property and report them to our office.